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Turn a Blind Eye

"Turn a Blind Eye" was created from a concept character I had sketched out for a possible game idea where this character would have portrayed the villain. He had been wronged by his friend and suffered a terrible accident and in turn was cursed to have a breathing apparatus bolted to his face in order to survive.

Ryan Reynolds Portrait

The portrait of Ryan Reynolds was created during school. This assignment was a test to see our skills in digitally painting hair. Not only was it to demonstrate our skills in hair, but also in painting skin tones and highlights in a photo realistic manner.

A Dream Above The Stars

"A Dream Above the Stars" is a digital painting done for the company West Slopes Studios. This is a painting of the first man on the moon and was created digitally in Photoshop

Bruce Willis Portrait

The portrait of Bruce Willis was done during school for a project where we had to demonstrate our abilities in digitally painting a photo realistic person by laying down our tones and highlights and slowly blending them together.

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