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Environment Designs

Evil Laboratory

This was a project for school where I was tasked to create a playable game level with a strict time frame. I was required to build my prop pieces in Maya and import them into Unreal Engine 4. This level I designed based on a laboratory with a futuristic and science fiction twist and also created my own textures and materials for everything in the level

Spongebob Wolrd

The Spongebob world was a personal project I created through the use of Maya and Unity 3D. I got my inspiration to recreate the Spongebob world in tribute to my wife's younger brother who passed away in 2013.

Sci Fi Cannon and Ball Turret

This is part of a project that is still undergoing development. These are science fiction cannons and ball turret that will be a part of a futuristic submarine. These are high polygon, non textured renders of the turrets that will later have the information transferred to a lower poly model.

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